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Religious Characters


During Degrassi's long run, there have been a few religious characters and religious storylines. Whether it one aspect of a character storylines or a very big part of a character


Some of Degrassi religious characters are Sav and Ali, Dacry and Clare, Becky and Luke and Jenna.


Sav and Ali are from Muslism faith and some of there storylines consists of Sav going aganist his parents and dating a non-muslim girl and Ali not wanting to dress the way that is expected of her.












Darcy and Clare are of Christian faith and a lot of their storylines are about questioning their faith in different situations such as when Dacry was raped and Clare found out her parents were splitting up.


















Becky and Luke are siblings from a Christian family and storylines consist of Becky dating a transgender kid and how her and her family deal with the situation and Luke going to jail for sexualy assaulting a girl.


















Jenna is a character who after having a teen pregnancy and giving up her baby for adopation,  she turns to the Christian religion at first because of a guy but that changes and she takes religion seriously.














Storylines consists of Christian's faith and familys. Muslim's views and familys.


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