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Religious Characters


Some of Glee religious characters are Quinn, Rachel, Puck, Kitty, Mercedes and Joe.


All these characters have religion as a part of their storylines but it is not the only thing about them. With the exception of the character of Joe whos  entire storyline is about how he is religious. The actor that plays him is religious so the creators of the show wrote a whole character about him being religious.













Most characters who have religious backgrounds in the show, that part of their story does not be mention a lot.


Quinn comes from a Christian family and in the first season of the show she got pregnant, and lied about who the father was. She said it was her boyfriend's baby but it was actually her boyfriend's best friends baby. Quinn parents kicked her out for getting pregnant.

















Puck is Jewish and on of this storylines consisted of feeling like he had to date the character of Rachel because she was also Jewish.


















Mercedes is Christian and one of her character's storyline was about believing in the concept of no sex before marriage and stuggling with this in one of her relationships.

















Glee did a storyline in one of its epiosde where one of the characters struggle with his believes and religion.The storylines in the episode included the creation of a grilled-cheese sandwich with the image of Jesus burned into it by Finn one of the shows main characters. He progresses throughout the episode praying to the sandwich until his faith in the "grilled cheesus" creation is questioned.






















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