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Homosexuality is when persons of the same sex have a sexual relationship, or romantic attraction towards each other.


The world's various religions have many rules and guidelines regarding homosexuality, but with religions viewing homosexuality as a behaviour that can be changed.


Actions that the different religions may take against homosexuality can range from dicourging homosexuality activity, openly forbidding homosexuality amongst it's members, and vocally opposing the world's social acceptance, and an extreme action could be death.


Muslims Views- Homosexuality is considered to be "sinful", A profound mistake. They believe humans are not homosexual by nature and that it come from there environments. Environments such as during puberty. Punishment varies from jail time, flogging or death penalty,but the punishment is not usually carried on.

Catholic Views- Homosexuality is considered a sin and a volation of divine and natural laws. they belived marriage is only between a man and women and that legalization of marriages between same sex are damaging to society.

Jewish Views-  The focuse is on the homosexual act not the person's actual desires. Can be punished by death. Homosexuality in women is not forbidden but in men it is forbidden. There is little discussion of this act of homonsexuality of women in this religion. 


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